Notice Of A Substantial Shareholder’s Interest
SGX Filings
12th Jan, 2009
Part I |
1. | Date of notice to issuer | 12/01/2009 |
2. | Name of Substantial Shareholder | UBS AG |
3. | Notice Type | Notice of a New Substantial Shareholder’s interest. |
Part II |
1. | Date of change of Interest | 23/04/2008 |
2. | Name of Registered Holder | UBS AG, UBS Global Asset Management (Singapore) Ltd, UBS Global Asset Management (Japan) Ltd, UBS Global Asset Management (UK) Ltd, UBS Fund Services (Luxembourg) SA, UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG, UBS Global Asset Management (Canada) Co and UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc |
3. | Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest | # Others Increase in aggregate interest due to inclusion of interests in shares (“Non-Voting Shares”) over which the UBS Group has authority to acquire and dispose of the shares but does not exercise any discretion over the voting rights |
4. | Information relating to shares held in the name of the Registered Holder |
No. of Shares held before the change | 68,413,918 | As a percentage of issued share capital | 4.00 % | No. of Shares which are subject of this notice | 56,697,189 | As a percentage of issued share capital | 3.31 % | Amount of consideration (excluding brokerage and stamp duties) per share paid or received | 0 | No. of Shares held after the change | 125,111,107 | As a percentage of issued share capital | 7.31 % | |
Part III – Not Required |
Part IV |
1. | Holdings of Substantial Shareholder, including direct and deemed interest : |
| Direct | Deemed | No. of shares held before the change | 2,547,939 | 65,865,979 | As a percentage of issued share capital | 0.15 % | 3.85 % | No. of shares held after the change | 2,547,939 | 122,563,168 | As a percentage of issued share capital | 0.15 % | 7.16 % | Footnotes | (i) The no. of shares and percentage of issued share capital held before the change provided in part II above refers to the interests aggregating shares other than Non-Voting Shares (“Voting Shares”). (ii) The no. of shares and percentage of issued share capital which are the subject of this notice provided in part II above refers to the interests aggregating Non-Voting Shares only. (iii) The no. of shares and percentage of issued share capital held after the change provided in part II above refers to the interests aggregating shares Voting and Non-Voting Shares. (iv) The deemed interests in the no. of shares and percentage of issued share capital held before the change provided in part IV above refers to the interests aggregating Voting Shares. (v) The deemed interests in the no. of shares and percentage of issued share capital held after the change provided in part IV above refers to the interests aggregating Voting and Non-Voting Shares. (vi) The percentage of issued share capital is calculated based on 1,712,029,908 shares in issue as at the date of change of interest. | |