News Bites

    Olam joins panels at IFAMA and Risks in Agribusiness Trading Summit


    The IFAMA Agribusiness and World Food Forum takes place between the 17th and 19th June in Cape Town, organised by The International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) and The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA). MD Ramesh, Regional Head of East and Southern Africa, will be joining two panel discussions at IFAMA, the first on Tuesday 17th entitled ‘The Rise of the African Consumer Class’, the second on the 18th, ‘Enabling efficient and inclusive agricultural and food systems in Africa’. The outcome of the latter panel discussion will be a book published by FAO with the aim of informing governments and development organisations.

    Jagdish Parihar, Olam’s Global Head of Risk and Market Compliance, will be sharing his insights at the Risks in Agri Trading: Emerging Markets Summit which is taking place in Geneva between the 18th and 19th June, gathering experts from across trade, logistics and consumption of agricultural commodities.

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