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    US$40m invested in 190 global Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability initiatives including staff costs this year: launch of Olam’s 2014 CR&S Report “Connectivity in the Landscape”


    When we take an action on the ground, does it inevitably have a knock-on result? Can these consequent impacts always be predicted? Do compromises have to be made in order to positively address a material issue on the one hand that may affect a lesser material area on the other hand?

    These questions are central to our 2014 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability report, which looks at the connection between different impacts on various landscapes in our supply chain.  The report presents seven case studies, each representing one main material area, whilst showing, at the same time how others interconnect: livelihoods, labour, water, climate change, land, food safety and food security.

    Marking another milestone on our journey to achieve end-to-end sustainable supply chains by 2020, this report also details Olam’s ongoing progress against our Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CR&S) strategy and Aspirations.

    Globally, key highlights for 2014 include:

    • US$40m invested in CR&S initiatives including staff costs
    • 190 CR&S community initiatives underway in 30 countries
    • US$360,000 spent on HIV/AIDS and malaria awareness campaigns in Africa
    • 63,730 female farmers in Olam Livelihood Charter initiatives
    • Reduced absolute water volume for irrigation by 5% and irrigation water intensity by 31%
    • Reduced carbon emissions by 18% in Olam-managed plantations, concessions and farms and by 6% in processing (CO2e/tonne product)

    As with the 2013 report, ‘Connectivity in the Landscape’ has been compiled using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3.1 framework. This is one of the world’s most prevalent sustainability reporting standards, promoting transparency and organisational accountability.

    We encourage you to download the report here, welcoming all feedback.

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