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    Olam represented on expert panel at Bonn Climate Change Conference


    Chris Brown, Olam’s Vice President for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, today reinforced the importance of keeping the farmer in mind as we collectively strive to lower carbon emission.

    As part of the panel discussion on the role of the agricultural private sector in addressing climate change, Chris discussed how Climate Smart Agriculture can help deliver on the global emissions targets agreed at the Paris Climate Conference in 2015. In his remarks, Chris underlined how a joined up business approach to climate change mitigation creates a two-way flow of information and services which is of mutual benefit to farmers and suppliers. Companies like Olam, who are committed to sustainability, can act as a nucleus around which to build improved supply chains across a range of products from coffee to sugar.

    The moderator of the panel was Conor Lennon, member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the keynote presentation was delivered by Matthew Reddy, WBCSD Director of Forests and CSA. Chris was joined on the panel by other leaders in the field including Theo de Jager of the World Farmer Organization, Varun Vats the Senior Manager of Public Policy and Partnerships at Syngenta, and Bernhard Stormyr of Yara International.

    The Bonn Climate Change Conference, hosted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, was held on the 8th-12th May 2017.

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