Chris Brown contributes to Water Stewardship seminar session at World Water Week in Sweden, 23-28th August 2015
The 2015 World Water Week held in Stockholm, Sweden is the annual focal point for global water issues. Organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), this event is bringing over 3000 individuals from 270 convening organisations to challenge the way we use water in the world today.
Chris Brown, Olam’s General Manager of Environmental Sustainability is taking part in a session entitled ‘Feeding Nine Billion People: How Water Stewardship Can Help’. As 90% of humanity’s water footprint is within agricultural production it emphasises the need to sustainably manage water within agricultural supply chains, in order to meet the need of an ever increasing population.
Chris will be joined on the panel by Carlo Galli, Senior Water Resources Manager for Nestlé, SA and Simon Reid, Sustainability Manager at Marks & Spencer where they will discuss short case studies related to Water Footprint Assessment and the AWS Standard. Chris’s contributions to the seminar will centre on the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) pilot scheme in Tanzania.